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May 05, 2015


WJ Westhoff

Here's your ABSOLUTE real world proof of how skyrocketing costs of medical care are a result of negligent health care providers who continue to injure and kill patients in preventable ways.

Identical Twin A (21 months old)- Moderate PDA is occluded in heart cath lab with device and had overnight stay for observation. Outcome is successful and unremarkable. Total bill to health insurance $46,871.

Identical Twin B (21 months old)- Moderate PDA is occluded in heart cath lab with device. A matrix of breathtakingly stupid errors results in catastrophic complications in PACU, with patient experiencing hemodynamic compromise and cardiac arrest. This results on global brain injury requiring life support for 3 days until support is withdrawn. Total bill to insurance:

$46,871 for PDA device occlusion procedure
$83,899 for PDA rescue attempt of embolized device
$383,733 for life support care rendered from matrix of medical errors.

Same heart procedure, same hospital, same health care providers, different outcomes.

The mistakes caused an extra $467,632 of medical costs to be added to our system.

The parents have yet to file suit to get accountability for the preventable death. So add what you want to the figures.

Its not the greedy trial lawyers, its the neglgient MD's adding costs to the system.

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