I’m no historian but the amount of lying going on these days by those desperate to hang onto power seems unprecedented. Take the issue of forced arbitration clauses.
“What are forced arbitration clauses?” you may ask. Those are the ever-present clauses that corporations bury in fine print legalese “agreements” (that no one reads) when you get a phone or something online or even a job. Here's what they mean: if the company cheats, defrauds, discriminates against, harasses, physically injuries or otherwise harms you, you cannot sue the company in court or have a trial. Instead, you are forced to deal with the company in a private, secretive, rigged arbitration system controlled by the company. You may have to pay for the arbitrator. You can’t talk about what happened. And there is no right to appeal.
While the U.S. Supreme Court decision narrowly OK'ing these atrocious clauses in 2011 had a number of disturbing results, one of the weirdest was the shape-shifting of corporations into consumer and worker rights advocates! (Whatever demonic potion they've been drinking, keep it away from us.) More specifically, since that 2011 SCOTUS decision, corporate lawyers have stuck these clauses in everything because, they say they want to help you! You, the consumer! You, the worker! Not only are forced arbitration clauses good for you, they say, they’re so great that for your own good, you must be forced to agree to them! And if you don’t, no product, service, job or soup for you! (FYI we used to get our soup there and it’s all true.)
Well of course, nothing about any of this is good for you (except the soup – try the Mulligatawny). When we push back (see e.g., here, here, here), they say not only are we wrong, but we’re too stupid to know we’re wrong. But of course, we are not stupid and they are lying. And now Congress seems poised to help expose this lie for the first time in a very long while.
On Monday, an extraordinary thing happened in the U.S. House of Representatives. A strongly bi-partisan bill, titled The Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021, passed the U.S. House by a vote of 335 to 97. When finally passed by the Senate and signed into law, this bill will ban the use of forced arbitration clauses in cases involving sexual harassment and sexual assault. This will be the first major, permanent crack in the “forced arbitration” wall erected by SCOTUS more than a decade ago.
Because passage of this bill will help expose the lie from those corporate shape-shifters, its importance cannot be overstated – for survivors, for workplaces everywhere, for all of us. And it’s worth remembering that these clauses are as bad for sexual harassment and assault victims as they are for you the defrauded bank customer, you the neglected nursing home resident, you the small business being squeezed by some conglomerate, you the low-wage essential worker being ripped off during a pandemic. Forced arbitration clauses have proliferated in all of these areas and should be outlawed. But one very important step at a time.
Please tell your Senator to support this bill. And if you need a little more convincing, please watch this video. #EndForcedArbitration!
#EndForcedArbitration from American Association for Justice on Vimeo.